Today we want to show you interesting and frightening skull-ptures by Hedi Xandt. This very talented young artist is blending materials and visions in ways previously inconceivable. Deconstructing and literally tearing classical renaissance-style busts, Xandt is crafting unique and brilliant pieces with materials such as gold and bronze that are the height of intrigue. He imagined interesting sculptures representing the image of a human skull in one shape or another. Using different materials to shape the images in his mind, the artist came up with a series of sculptures that combine the appearance of naturally shaped bone with modern and experimental production technologies and techniques. Hedi Xandt has deep and dark style among his works.
Hedi Xandt is an artist and freelance illustrator from Germany. Hewas born in 1988 and is a mostly self-taught conceptual artist and professional graphic / multimedia designer. He graduated in Communications Design in early 2013. He currently works as a freelance artist and Illustrator besides his work as a creative for TUSH Magazine.
Be sure to visit Hedi Xandt online to see more of his amazing artworks, which are macabre, interesting and frightening at the same time. I encourage you to view all of Hedi’s incredible work at!